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the stethophone project is the experimental field recording, that used the customized microphone named "stethophone". this is the stethoscope atatched the microphone. the type of the stethoscope, i used called double scope. it has two surfaces to listen the sound (normaly medical use). this project is to listen to the sound of the objects in the street.


CIMG0332.jpgi started the project in december 2005 for "View Masters'05"workshop.

it got its start in 1999 with an environmental sound project that attempted to "use the ear to approach sound from a different anglethe keyword of it, "sound-spotting," refers to the main activity of its members. One of the aims of the project is to create a library of the sounds that have been observed.

the stethophoneproject's purpose certainly based on this concept, but  also expand the exploring possibility of the soundscape ,sound art etc.


このプロジェクトは当初、View Masters'05 ワークショップのリポート提出の為に始めました。ViewMastersは1999年からイベントが毎年、四年間行われ、サウンドスケープやサウンドアー トなどの垣根を越えた新たな刺激を受けました。このプロジェクトはViewMastersのコンセプトを基にしながらも、あらたなフィールドレコーディン グの可能性を探るものである。




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